by Janelle Emma | Jan 9, 2017 | Attraction Marketing & Personal Branding, Business & Training, Facebook Marketing
How To Get More Engagement And Exposure When Posting On Social Media The key to building a successful home business or network marketing business online while using social media is by creating curiosity and not resistance. We don’t want to be turning people away...
by Janelle Emma | Jan 5, 2017 | Attraction Marketing & Personal Branding, Business & Training, Facebook Marketing
4 Attraction Marketing Tips To Apply Daily The power of attraction marketing is phenomenal and if it’s done daily and correctly, you will very soon start to notice people reach out to you and look up to you because what you are doing is attracting them to you....
by Janelle Emma | Dec 9, 2016 | Attraction Marketing & Personal Branding, Business & Training, Facebook Marketing
3 Easy Facebook tips to help you build your biz Our job as home based business owners, is to go out and Network and Market!! Networking can be done in many ways (online or offline), and Marketing is all about branding ourselves so we stand out from the crowd and be...
by Janelle | Aug 5, 2016 | Attraction Marketing & Personal Branding, Business & Training, Facebook Marketing
Have you ever thought about this!! Is you Facebook profile appealing to others? If you’re in business of any kind and use social media as a tool to market or advertise for your business, it seems that the more appealing your profile pages are the more traffic...