Have you heard of the words “Oxidative Stress”?

I’ve known about oxidative stress for over 5 years now and personally, prior to then, had never even heard of the word or what it was!! – That’s a scary thought!! 

Have you ever had those days where you wonder why you seem to have many aches and pains? Or why you struggle with brain fog, sleep issues, energy levels, lack of motivation or the fact that you just feel completely sluggish and fatigued? It could potentially be linked to that pesky oxidative stress!

We all have certain levels of oxidative stress and back many years ago it was simply known as free radical damage, but research has now shown that we, as a society, now have overload of free radicals, due to the declining quality of foods & toxic environment we now live in and unfortunately, It’s something we cant always avoid, but we can take measures to protect ourselves or at least build a resilience to this!

The scariest part, is that oxidative stress is the root cause of, or a major contributing factor to nearly 300 diseases and conditions….whoah!!

Some of the more common health conditions related to high levels of oxidative stress are things like:

  • Alzheimer’s
  • Parkinson’s
  • Cancer
  • Autism
  • Depression/Anxiety
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Rheumatoid Arthritis
  • Auto immune disorders
  • Psoriasis
  • Infertility

Just to name a few


So what is Oxidative Stress?

Oxidative stress is essentially an imbalance between the production of free radicals and the ability of the body to counteract or detoxify their harmful effects through eliminating these free radicals with antioxidants. 

in lay terms……Antioxidants are the good guys and free radicals (oxidative stress) are the bad guys.

High antioxidant foods help neutralise free radicals (oxidative stress) to a degree and so does a certain amount of exercise, but the best way to build up a resilience to oxidative stress, or to help the body lower it, is to take measures that help the body MAKE MORE of it’s own antioxidants, rather than just relying on the antioxidant foods. 


One way that I know of that effectively helps the body make more of it’s own antioxidant production, is through a very safe & natural, science based product that I have now been taking for more than 5 years which has completely changed my health for the better. Check out my personal health story HERE.

You can learn more about this product by contacting me personally or grabbing my “Ditch The Stress” Ebook!!

If you aren’t too familiar with what those nasty free radicals are and how they age and harm us, you can have a read by clicking HERE




The main cause of oxidative stress pretty much comes back to everything in our every day lives – here’s a brief list:

  • The air we breathe and pollutants in the air.
  • The food we eat and what’s sprayed on it or added to it (herbicides, pesticides, additives, preservatives)
  • The radiation that is caused from our microwaves and mobile phones, (we have no idea what that is really doing to us).
  • The products we use on our skin (sunscreen, moisturiser’s, most of that is full of chemicals and causes more free radicals to bombard our system).
  • Emotional stress (being depressed, anxious, stressed from work, money issues, family problems, all of this emotional stress overload’s us as well with oxidative stress)
  • Athletes have higher levels of oxidative stress due to the higher intensity and higher levels of endurance training they do.
  • Smoking.
  • Alcohol (In large quantities and often).
  • Poor food choices.
  • Sun exposure (too much of it).


Oxidative stress is thankfully becoming more well known, especially with why we have it and what we can do to reduce it as much as possible. There are over 250,000 studies related to Oxidative Stress on www.pubmed.gov    

When I learned about it over 5 years ago, there was less than 150,000 studies on it. 

PUBMED is the national library of medicine for the institute of health and is a credible source to use when wanting to research oxidative stress and its effects.


How can you tell if oxidative stress is occurring in your body?

Here are seven common signs to look out for:

  1. Fatigue.
  2. Memory loss and/or brain fog.
  3. Muscle and/or joint pain.
  4. Wrinkles and grey hair at an early age.
  5. Decreased eye sight.
  6. Headaches and sensitivity to noise.
  7. Susceptibility to infections or regular colds/flu.

I know for me personally, oxidative stress was playing a role in my health problems, and you can read/watch my full health story HERE

I sincerely hope you take some time to read and learn about oxidative stress, it is something we can’t avoid, but can reduce & need to be aware of to try and manage as best as we possibly can.

I would love to hear your thoughts or help you further with this, so drop a comment below if you feel drawn to!!

Janelle Emma x






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