Having Business Partners who are as dedicated as you

I’m very grateful for my business partners who have been long life friends of mine and who put so much effort into building and growing themselves to massively help grow their business. 

It really does show the type of business others want to have if you can see the amount of effort they put into their own home based business. I know that being your own boss and an Entrepreneur can be hard work and takes a lot of discipline and I’m very grateful I have people around me who also see it that way and have the motivation to push themselves hard enough to make a real go of their business.

Attending Company Events are a massive part of building a home based business, if you want to understand why that is, click HERE to check out my blog relating to that.

My video below is a huge shout out to my amazing friends who are also my business partners and how far they are willing to travel by car with kids in tow to get themselves to company events!! That speaks massive dedication don’t you think?!



We are nearly at the end of my 30 Day Facebook “Live” video challenge and I thank you immensely to the ones following my journey.

Janelle Emma xx

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