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Ditch Frustration And Guilt Over The Holiday Season
Ditch Frustration And Guilt Over The Holiday Season when it comes to momentum and production in your business! I personally have had frustrating thoughts and the guilt's, thinking that I HAVE to keep grinding and hustling as hard as I would every other month. But...
How To Get Incentives Working Effectively Within Your Team
How To Get Incentives Working Effectively Within Your Team. Are They Really Worth It? Learning how to get incentives working effectively within your team is one of those strategies you want to take on board, because seriously......they will help you build big time...
What Is Your Elevator Pitch When Someone Asks What You Do For A Living?
Have you mastered your 30 second elevator pitch when someone asks you what it is you do for a living? Has there ever been a time when you've been asked, what is it that you do for a living and you freeze!! Or maybe you verbally vomit your entire product and company...
Build Rapport Quickly and Invite Successfully for Faster Results!
How To Build Rapport Quickly and Invite Successfully with Cold Market Prospecting There is a certain skill to learn when approaching Cold Market Prospects and building rapport quickly with them. I know first hand how tedious it can be if you drag out your...
The Number 1 Reason You Aren’t Where You Think You Should Be In Your Business
Is This Why You Aren't Where You Think You Should Be In Your Business? There is a belief system or belief scale that we follow and this is what determines our results in our business! [Programming....Thoughts....Feelings....Activity....Results] All of this belief...
5 Must Have Qualities Of 6 and 7 Figure Network Marketers
5 Must Have Qualities Of A 6-7 Figure Earner I've never learned so much information and gained so many nuggets from a 2 hour training than I did from the very private Simon Chan meeting I was at this October 2017. That guy sure has had a journey and knows his stuff....
Leadership Traits of a Successful Network Marketer
Leadership Traits of a Successful Network Marketer One of the most important things you and your team can do for your business is to attend events! Over the weekend myself and my team from all around Australia headed to a leadership event that blew our mind and...
The 3 Forgotten Steps For Social Media success
The 3 Forgotten Steps For Social Media success The new technique for building a business that's taking over the world is Social Media! We have to get good at using this technique ourselves otherwise we are basically leaving money on the table. This doesn't mean though...
How To Use Facebook LIVE For Network Marketing Success
Facebook LIVE Tips For Network Marketing Success Using Facebook LIVE can grow your business dramatically and there are many reasons why you would want to use Facebook LIVE...like: Increases your reach for Facebook content Brand awareness (helps others to know, like...