Turmeric is arguably the most powerful herb on the planet at fighting and potentially reversing disease!! Wow, how amazing is that right!

Turmeric is also at the top of the list for certain herbs that are most frequently mentioned for medicinal purposes and is number 1 over garlic, cinnamon, ginseng, ginger and milk thistle.

The medicinal side of turmeric is the curcumin and that is the part they extract and use for health and medical benefits.

I urge you to go over and look at the 9000 results that are on curcumin as I write this article. Click HERE to go see them and see how curcumin is researched along side many health conditions.

Some of the studies on curcumin even report that using curcumin is more of an advantage to us than prescription drugs and that it’s benefits equal or are better than certain prescription drugs!! Holy cow!

The best part about using Curcumin over certain drugs is purely because there are ZERO side effects unless you have a sensitivity to turmeric which I’m sure you would know about anyway.

Lets look at the benefits of Curcumin which go far beyond these medications listed:

  • Anti-inflammatory drugs
  • Anti depressant
  • Chemotherapy
  • Pain Killers
  • Diabetes Drugs
  • Arthritis Medications
  • Inflammatory Bowel Disease Drugs
  • Cholesterol Drugs
  • Steroids (for Psoriasis, Arthritis, Chronic Pain)

Let me discuss a few of these with you below:

There is arguably no better natural treatment for lowering blood sugar and reversing insulin resistance than curcumin.

There was a study conducted that discovered that curcumin is literally 400 times more potent than a common diabetes drug called metformin and CAN HELP REVERSE TYPE 2 DIABETES. Are you kidding me!

Curcumin is known for its powerful anti inflammatory effects and this is why they see better results for people who have arthritis.

45 rheumatoid arthritis patients have been tested with curcumin to compare against a medication for arthritis (diclofenac sodium). this medication puts people at risk of developing leaky gut and heart disease. eeek!

There has been a number of lab studies through “cancer research UK” and other research centres that shows turmeric has anti cancer effects.
It seems to be able to kill cancer cells and prevent more from growing.

It has the best effects on:

  • Breast Cancer
  • Bowel Cancer
  • Stomach Cancer
  • Skin Cancer

A lab study even showed that using curcumin along side chemotherapy killed more cancer cells than chemo alone!!


Uses For Turmeric:

I love that we can not only use turmeric for medicinal and health benefits, but can also use it in many other ways as well. I will list a few below.

  • Turmeric Tea
  • Turmeric Latte
  • Turmeric omelette
  • Smoothies
  • Face masks
  • Teeth whitener

You can also combine turmeric with a layer of Aloe Vera to itchy skin which will start the healing process and relieve the itch.

Another amazing tip is to add black pepper to any of your meals that you add turmeric into. The reason for this is because the black pepper combines with turmeric dramatically increases absorption and health effects of the turmeric.


Please understand that I am telling you this from my own knowledge and what I have learned through my own research. Always refer back to your doctor or physician before ever starting turmeric as a supplement for yourself. Especially if any of what I have mentioned resonates with certain diseases you have personally.

You can also go over to Dr Axe and read more about this information in-depth from his incredible work.

My video below will give you more insight on this as well.

Wow, was that of value to you or what! I know learning about turmeric for myself has blown my mind haha. Why not comment below and share your ideas on why turmeric is so powerful for us.

Keep Being Amazing, Authentic and Inspiring

Janelle Emma xx

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