7 Tips On building Your Network Marketing Business
With Your Personal Facebook Profile instead of a Facebook business page:
There is so much talk out there at the moment discussing if we really need to create ourselves a Facebook business page to build and promote our network marketing business for success.
If you’re not someone who wants to start a Facebook business page, or you don’t feel you want to be doing paid advertising and really targeting your audience, then using your personal Facebook profile is completely OK and can be very effective when done correctly and effectively.
My video below goes through 7 tips that I feel can help you set your profile up correctly to build your business through your personal Facebook profile.
1: Connect with like-minded people
Find people with similar interests, qualities and values to you. Remember to be friends first and connect personally to build that relationship overtime.
2: Make your “Follow” button active
Getting people to “Follow” you instead of having to wait for friend requests is a much quicker process in connecting with others. Look for quality followers over quantity. The process is much quicker and more effective with quality followers who have similar interests, pains and desires to you.
3: Share what you learn
If you learn something you love from a good book that impacted you…..share it. If you learned some powerful information at an event or conference….create a good quality piece of content around it. This not only shows people what you are learning, you will also be teaching your followers something and they will love that!
4: Engage more to receive more
Do you want more engagement on your profile from your friends and followers? If you do, you will need to be more engaging on their profiles as well. The more you like, share or comment on your friends posts, the more it will happen in return.
5: Post less & give quality value
There’s no need to post 10 times a day. Make your content is high quality and relate-able. Post 2-3 times a day with a topic for each post every day.
An example could be:…
1 post is lifestyle and people seeing your day-to-day life.
1 post could be inspirational and show a nice quote or statement about something you learn or love .
1 post could be high quality content to teach your followers something and offer them value they can learn from.
6: Progress not Perfection
Let your followers see your journey, your flaws and your vulnerability. We all love to see others making mistakes and learning from them. We love to see others fail or how they got themselves out of a rut. Show that to your followers. Show them how you failed and what you learned from that…this is really powerful in showing your followers how they can learn from their mistakes too and it will also make them respect and trust you more. The more relate-able you are the better. No one is ever perfect, so don’t just show your wins and successes.
7: Apply the 80/20 rule
Always keep your post to 80% lifestyle and inspiration, 20 % business and promoting.
No one comes to Facebook to be sold on your products and business. They come there to watch your life, your journey. Show them more of the lifestyle you live as a home business owner, not how they can spend money with you.
The video above will give you more insight into these 7 tips.
I’d love to hear below in the comments if this was of value to you! Also, why not let us know some of the tips you have for Facebook and building your business through it.
Keep creating Consistent, Authentic, Kick Ass results my friend.
Janelle Emma xx