1 Marketing Strategy To Make A Daily Habit Of, If You Don’t Want To Constantly Prospect
As Network Marketers and Home Biz Owners we know that prospecting is at the top of the list for our money-making activities, but we don’t have to 100% solely rely on it if we learn the skills of marketing and how to teach what we know to others.
In our industry, there are many people who have concerns and questions surrounding their niche, so why not be someone who can solve those problems for them by providing daily value to what your market or niche’s needs are!
By solving problems for the people we are wanting to attract, we will not only be helping them within their business, but we will becoming quite knowledgeable along the way and helping ourselves grow in the process. All the top earners will tell you that the best way to grow in this business is to learn something every single day, it doesn’t matter if it’s from a book, a webinar, an event, etc, think about what you could learn over a year, just imagine how much more knowledge you would have gained by doing something every single day.
Another great way to provide value to your market or niche is to learn about the products you all promote, start really researching them, get to know these products inside and out and then share your knowledge on that with people, this can be done quite easily without needing to state the name of the products as well.
We don’t have to be experts straight away, but starting the learning phase more in-depth will be a great investment for yourself. Look at it like the way Ray Higdon explains ILT, which means I=Invest in something like a course or event training, L=Learn as much as you can and take heaps of notes, then T=Teach that to your biz partners and niche. We learn a lot more – and it sinks in a lot more, once we start teaching others what we are learning ourselves.
Get into the HABIT of doing the correct actions and providing value daily, decide that each day we will do 1 thing that provides value to our target audience, and this can be done by ,videos, webinars, a PDf you’ve created etc. If you’re not comfortable doing live videos, go and use your phone and do many takes of yourself in a video you’ve recorded until your comfortable with how it’s ended up and then upload that to YouTube and there you go! You can now share that piece of content with your team and target audience and have provided great value for the day.
Providing value to your target market will be one of the best activities you can do for your business to attract people to you, have fun with it, enjoy it and be authentic. The right people will come if they can see you enjoy what you’re doing.
Janelle Emma xx